Today, springs more than more than 70 restaurants in shungeng Hill combined a reassuring edible oil Hotel Union, become edible oil security commitments and syndication, promised for the public to create a safe and comfortable dining environment. (See on December 4 this 2 version) years, ditch oil flooded, almost let people on "oil" color variable. Qian soon, has authority expert estimated, currently in China annual returns table of ditch oil has 2.003 billion tons. and Chinese a years of dynamic, and vegetable oil consumption total about is 22.5 million tons---that is, in accordance with the proportion, people eat 10 meal rice, on May has 1 meal met ditch oil. Meanwhile, was also complained, related regulatory sector finger-pointing, a bunch of "big lip Cap" tube can't a barrels " Ditch oil ". public meals, food safety is not guaranteed. Thus, in the daily life, often embarrassing scene: in the hotel, in the face of meals of the aerosol dispenser, some hard-nosed people
---These vegetable waste oils do it? doubts and fears, always haunt us. In view of this, springs more than more than 70 Convention catering corporate self-discipline, "hold" boycott of waste oil, meaning extraordinary. This is a moral self, but also food practitioners and social conscience of the show, which is responsible for public health attitudes and actions will inevitably win the trust of the public and applause. Course, to real away from ditch oil, author think needs catering Enterprise strict to "imports" and "export" two closed. in "imports" links Shang, strict to oil purchase channel closed, established complete Taiwan account, firmly and sources unknown of suspicious oil draw. in "export" links Shang, to to height of social sense strictly self-discipline, to swill, and hot pot end material, handed legitimate processing units, blocking died ditch oil, inferior oil return channel; once found violations phenomenon, should timely to units reported; Meanwhile, Also widely accepted social supervision
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